Pool Training Sessions - Nov 9 to Dec 17
General info for training sessions.
Training plan for Week 6 (Dec 14, 17)
INTENTION of the Training Sessions is to develop ability and technique in Static Apnea, DYN, DYN B, and/or DNF.
The Sessions are progressive and follow the proper stages of training within a reduced time frame (Sept to Dec), aiming to help you ramp down so that you may be ready to attempt PB STA/DYN by mid-December (after the second training package) if you choose to do so.
To that end, Oceanoid will be hosting a pool freediving competition sometime early 2022 (depending on pool availability)
Sessions are held Tuesday and Friday evenings, 6:45PM to 8:00PM at UBC Aquatic Centre. We will be posting the weekly training programs on this page no later than Monday of each week. To get the most out of the sessions we HIGHLY recommend the following:
Keep a training journal with notes about technique breakthroughs you discover, weighting changes and trim, notes about how food/stress/tiredness etc affects the quality of your work, STA times or contractions (quality/number/when they start etc), Kick cycles/25s or 50s, times for DYN.
Remember! No one session will change your results, progression happens as a result of consistent training. The more often you train directly affects results, and you will get a much better result with consistent training
A minimum of 2 - 3 yoga classes or stretch sessions per week
A visualization or meditation practice
Dry equalization exercises
Strength training (individual)
Swim technique drills (individual)
From time to time coaches will recommend certain work - eg ankle stability work - that could benefit your individual technique.
REQUIREMENTS to enter UBC Facility
COVID-19 vaccination required - UBC may require proof of vaccination before allowing access to the aquatic centre.
UBC requires the group to meet OUTSIDE the front door of the facility and enter together 15 minutes prior to our rental time. They will not allow separate individuals to access the facility without the group! Which means if you are late you will be denied access by the facility.
UBC will NOT allow any dry land training, so we ask that you stretch prior to arriving at the pool.
There is NO access to the hot tub, steam room or sauna.
Face masks are required to enter the facility including change rooms, but are not required on deck
We very carefully craft the programs and ask that you follow them as closely as possible.
ALWAYS complete cool down swim - we’d rather you skip the final exercise then skip the cool down
EQUIPMENT required
Mask or googles and noseclip, and snorkel
A warm (freediving) suit for Static training and gloves/socks if you choose
DYN and/or Tri suit for DYN/DYN-B/DNF (Optional)
Weight belt and/or neck weight
Long blades or Monofin
The groups are not intended to separate participants but rather to make sure that every participant receives the attention and training they require at the time. These groups are fluid and people can move in and out of a group according to their individual needs
Coaches may ask you to move into a different group for a particular exercise
Roberta & Matt will be switching groups every week e.g. one week Roberta will work with Group 1, the following week with Group 2 etc